What Is It Like to Grow Up in Yemen as a Child amid Conflict? - Shamayun Miah

Yemen's war is complicated and intricate, but we must not overlook the innocent children who have been caught up in the six-year struggle. Yemen's children are growing up amid the world's worst humanitarian disaster, with some growing up knowing nothing but conflict. The following are some of the horrific realities of life for children in Yemen:

 In Yemen, about a fifth of children has lost their homes.

 Yemen has two million youngsters that are not in school.

 Because of the fighting, one out of every five schools in Yemen is closed.

 Yemen has a population of 12.3 million youngsters that require humanitarian help.

Every day, war causes havoc on people's lives. Families are being shattered. The kids are going to bed hungry. Too many children are missing school due to the noises of shelling and bombing outside their windows. A new menace, the coronavirus pandemic, has put Yemeni youngsters in even more danger. Hospitals in Yemen's capital of Aden are turning away patients due to an increase in suspected COVID-related deaths. Those with critical health requirements, such as the 2.1 children who are severely malnourished, are more vulnerable than ever before. The more difficult a person's situation is, the more their well-being is impacted and there is a dire need to safeguard their lives- Shamayun Miah.

What types of mental health problems do Yemeni people going through?

There is a wide range of diseases, including anxiety and sleeplessness, as well as serious pathologies such as psychosis, depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some patients have attempted suicide regularly. A suicide attempt might be triggered by several factors. Severe symptoms of psychosis might include auditory hallucinations telling the patient to injure himself or herself, or the patient may be depressed. External circumstances have a significant impact on mental health.

Please get connected with wonderful charitable organizations, encourage them, and contribute generously to aid the people of Yemen. I recently participated in a London to Brighton Cycling Ride for Yemeni Children with my friends to raise donations for Muslim hands-  Shamayun Miah.


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